IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
10–11 July 2023 // London, United Kingdom

Paper Submission Instructions

Paper Submission Instructions

IEEE LANMAN 2023 solicits research papers describing research contributions to the field of local and metropolitan area networking. The paper submission link on EDAS is

Some of the submissions may be recommended for acceptance as short papers by the TPC. These short papers will be presented in a poster session. Both papers and posters will appear in IEEE Xplore. A best paper award will be given to the paper(s) with the highest technical merit.

All IEEE LANMAN 2023 papers and posters must be associated with an author registration at the full rate (information about registration will be announced later). For authors presenting multiple papers/posters, one full registration is valid for up to three papers/posters. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper/poster from distribution after the symposium (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper/poster is not presented at the symposium.

Submission Formatting Guidelines

All papers must be electronically submitted in PDF according to the guidelines on the symposium website Submitted papers must be written in English, with a maximum page length of 6 pages. This length includes everything: figures, tables, references, and appendices.
Papers must be formatted in double-column format with standard margins and at least a 10 point font using the standard IEEE template for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats found at